Gloucester Point offers both game fish and sport fish. It is the gateway where the York River feeds out into the Chesapeake Bay. You can catch various species, including shad, herring, drum, flatfish, temperate bass, catfish, shark, skate, ray, and other small species. The hottest spot to fish at the Point is at the fishing pier. Anglers have managed to snag croaker, spot, flounder, striped bass, and gray trout here. The pier offers free fishing and doesn’t require anglers to have individual saltwater licenses.
Gloucester Point Fish:
Gloucester Point boat ramps:
The following boat ramps provide access to Gloucester Point.
Gloucester Point Boat Ramp
Gloucester Point, VA
Warren Shenandoah River (South) Boat Ramp
7971-8113 State Route 1210 Gloucester Point, VA
York River Yacht Haven Boat Ramp
8109 Yacht Haven Rd, PO Box 1070 Gloucester Point, VA 804-642-2156