Top Fishing Spots

The Best Halibut Fishing Spots in Prince William Sound

Valdez Alaska Fishing

Prince William Sound hosts some of best halibut fishing anywhere in Alaska. What makes Prince William Sound one of Alaska’s top halibut fishing locations is it’s easy access and proximity to hundreds of bays, hidden coves and inlets teaming with halibut. Prince William Sound is accessible from Whittier, Valdez or Cordova — although most fisherman launch from Whittier. Whittier is an hours’ drive south from Anchorage and offers a harbor with over 300 permanent and transient slips where fisherman can dock their boats year round.

Out of Whittier fisherman have direct access to some of the best halibut fishing grounds in Prince William Sound including Ports Wells and the waters surrounding Lone Island. However, to reach some of the most productive halibut fishing grounds anglers will need to travel two to three hours by boat into the heart Prince William Sound.

While not as popular as Whittier, Valdez is another popular destination for anglers looking to access some of the best halibut fishing waters in Prince William Sound. Valdez is a short 45 minutes flight from Anchorage and flights leave daily. There are also roads into Valdez from Anchorage, Tok and Fairbanks. Valdez provides quick access to some of the best halibut fishing spots in Prince William Sound, including Jack Bay, Port Fidalgo, Galena Bay, Knowles Head, and Bligh Reef.

Orca Bay and the north side of Hinchinbrook Island provide good halibut fishing for anglers based out of Cordova.

For the best halibut fishing in Prince William Sound you’ll want to visit Hinchinbrook Entrance, Montague Strait, and the far side of Montague Island. Anglers can obtain descent catches closer to port, but success rate and catch size climb as you near the Gulf of Alaska. Anchoring overnight and camping in a hidden cove or sheltered bay is a great way to get within striking distance of these fishing grounds.

The following interactive Prince William Sound Halibut Fishing Map provides the location and coordinates of the most of the top halibut fishing spots throughout the Sound. Click on the map, zoom in, then select a map marker learn more about a specific location.

The following table provides the name, a description and the coordinates for the halibut fishing spots in the above map. Click on the “Directions” link in the “Description” column to view the location in Google Maps.

Shotgun CoveSpotty for halibut
Distance from Whittier: 6 miles
Coordinates: 60.795779424381806, -148.55043998932928
Passage CanalFocus on areas with rocky or gravelly bottom
Distance from Whittier: 8.4 miles
Coordinates: 60.8145533385789, -148.54285446839125
Decision PointFishing is best along the north side
Distance from Whittier: 18 miles
Coordinates: 60.807750075440865, -148.4511651482101
Blackstone BayFish during incoming tide
Distance from Whittier: 10 miles
Coordinates: 60.74834776612897, -148.59525411354804
Cochrane BayDistance from Whittier: 14 miles
Coordinates: 60.72950979380274, - 148.35388006661177
Culross BayFlat shorelines with a tide flat at the head of the bay. Watch out for shallow water. Protected from winds and swells
Distance from Whittier: 24 miles
Coordinates: 60.75118084055376, -148.16252354566362
Hidden BaySheltered bay ideal for anchorage in bad weather
Distance from Whittier: 24 miles
Coordinates: 60.70689012465304, -148.16272306886424
Long BayHead end of bay offers protected anchorage
Distance from Whittier: 22 miles
Coordinates: 60.978810337101955, -147.23581941214815
Port Nellie JuanFocus on the north side from East Finger Inlet to Mink Island
Distance from Whittier: 30.8 miles
Coordinates: 60.582888181041334, -148.222232310983
Kings BayFish the waters of Nellie Juan River and the King River later in the season
Distance from Whittier: 45 miles
Coordinates: 60.53321220464643, -148.57582654008732
Deep Water BayFish for halibut off the creek mouth. Drift the outgoing tide using bait or jigs
Distance from Whittier: 42 miles
Coordinates: 60.497683272483464, -148.3785456800167
Derickson BayFish the plateaus and humps off the mouth of Derickson into Eaglek Bay
Distance from Whittier: 38 miles
Coordinates: 60.86767463783566, -147.80578173613537
Blue FiordFish the sandy bottom located at the entrance of the bay
Distance from Whittier: 41 miles
Coordinates: 60.46586470275067, -148.24880476662355
McClure BayFish the west of the point on the west side of the entrance during a a falling tide where the bottom drops into Port Nellie Juan.
Distance from Whittier: 35 miles
Coordinates: 60.51267553486823, -148.17125941523008
Main BayHalibut fishing is spotty
Distance from Whittier: 35 miles
Coordinates: 60.54157249761802, -148.06219721042788
Eshamy BayFish the humps and plateaus off the mouth of the bay and to the north of Crafton Island
Distance from Whittier: 41 miles
Coordinates: 60.47091100869082, -147.97511789854124
Granite BayFish the humps and plateaus off the mouth of the bay
Distance from Whittier: 46 miles
Coordinates: 60.918581521069655, -148.11375036399488
Dangerous PassageFish the plateau at the entrance near the north end of Chenega Island, as well as the entrances of Paddy Bay and Ewan Bay
Distance from Whittier: 48 miles
Coordinates: 60.35984044993019, -148.10542914751804
Jackpot BayHalibut are found throughout the bay
Distance from Whittier: 56 miles
Coordinates: 60.35486627633585, -148.23961518491237
Chenega IslandFish the humps and plateaus throughout the Dangerous Passage during outgoing tide after salmon spawning season
Distance from Whittier: 50 miles
Coordinates: 60.3211463029424, -148.05973344380575
Whale BayFish the outgoing tide after salmon spawning season. The best halibut fishing area is from the eastern headland at the entrance of Whael Bay, south, and east to Pt. Countess
Distance from Whittier: 61 miles
Coordinates: 60.22512268489361, -148.17989970197738
Brainbridge IslandFish around the island. Fish the plateaus off the north end of the island just southwest of Gage Island and southeast of Bainbridge point, including Bainbridge Passage. Fish at the downstream side of Amerk Point in the deeper water
Distance from Whittier: 68 miles
Coordinates: 60.10566455188112, -148.14962253306985
Sawmill BayFish the humps and plateaus north of Bettles Island and along the eastern side of Latouche Passage
Distance from Whittier: 75 miles
Coordinates: 61.064104704852, -146.7831196650519
Latouche IslandFish around the south end of the island
Distance from Whittier: 70 miles
Coordinates: 59.943714119667696, -147.96954338195465
Port ChalmersFish the steep drop that extends between Stockdale Harbor and Green Island. Fish the plateaus and humps north and west of Port Chalmers
Distance from Whittier: 70 miles
Coordinates: 60.23879324344452, -147.26961898858406
Snug HarborDrift for halibut on the outgoing tide of the mouth of the stream following salmon spawning season as the salmon die off. Fish the shallow humps of the harbor mouth situated just south of Discovery Point and north and east of the bay
Distance from Whittier: 68 miles
Coordinates: 60.251340392317324, -147.73887085231226
Drier BayFish the humps near the mouth of the bay and outside the mouth where the bottom drops off to deeper water
Distance from Whittier: 52 miles
Coordinates: 60.31631471736464, -147.81267710204088
Bay of IslesFish the humps, shelves and holes found throughout the bay
Distance from Whittier: 52 miles
Coordinates: 60.39967845765041, -147.66451473456777
Lower Herring BayFocus fishing on the humps off the mouth of the bay and the drop-off into Knight Island Passage
Distance from Whittier: 49 miles
Coordinates: 60.38997458555687, -147.8126618304756
Herring BayFish the shoreline rockpiles and around the islands located at the head of both arms of the bay. Fish the dropoffs on both sides of the bay entrance
Distance from Whittier: 45 miles
Coordinates: 55.3259179963937, -131.5211969310443
Bass HarborFish the plateaus and humps throughout the area
Distance from Whittier: 48 miles
Coordinates: 60.6419798624412, -147.402220912776
Outside BayFish the humps and plateaus directly off the mouth of the bay, and north toward Cabin Bay
Distance from Whittier: 45 miles
Coordinates: 60.64468459849565, -147.4660782105909
Cabin BayFish the shallow humps and plateaus found throughout the bay
Distance from Whittier: 45 miles
Coordinates: 60.669434559877736, -147.49707674322931
McPherson Bay
fish the humps in the bay
Distance from Whittier: 48 miles
Coordinates: 60.67423745016302, -147.36633334092957
South BayFish off the headland on the east side of the bay, around Meares Point and the plateau off the entrance to the bay
Distance from Whittier: 31 miles
Coordinates: 60.66903656028485, -147.91385714667933
West Twin BayAfter salmon spawning season fish the middle of the bay where the botto drops off during outgoing tide. Fish the plateau that extends east of Egg Rocks
Distance from Whittier: 25 miles
Coordinates: 60.72140464526665, -147.98186475316004
East Twin BayFish the entire bay and near the river at the head of the bay after salmon start to die off. Fish the mouth of the bay where the bottom drops off. Fish the shallower waters south and west of Fool Island
Distance from Whittier: 28 miles
Coordinates: 60.73302912285616, -147.93840937784844
Eaglek BayFish the edges of the shelf at the mouth of the bay
Distance from Whittier: 35 miles
Coordinates: 60.87026528060101, -147.7220967575243
Squaw BayFish the plateau at the entrance to the bay and the edges where it drops off to deeper water
Distance from Whittier: 30 miles
Coordinates: 60.83434784754296, -147.8282926250766
Esther PassageFish the numerous humps and plateaus at the southern entrance to Esther Passage. Fish the edge of the dropoff at the northern end of the passage
Distance from Whittier: 30 miles
Coordinates: 60.88792165536299, -147.94393940859413
Esther BayFish the drop off at the entrance to Esther Bay
Distance from Whittier: 25 miles
Coordinates: 60.805659332440705, -147.9764274443492
Lake BayFish along the edge of the drop off at the entrance to Lake Bay
Distance from Whittier: 22 miles
Coordinates: 60.79864522739243, -148.08683881335222
Granite BayFish the edges of the drop off at the mouth of the bay
Distance from Whittier: 22 miles
Coordinates: 60.89497253992625, -148.10484501306178
College FiordFish the drop off to the west of College Fiord, as well as the underwater peninsulas that extend from the northeast and southwest sides of the fjord
Distance from Whittier: 31 miles
Coordinates: 61.12473052897058, -147.92870699734522
Coghill RiverFish just off the shelf south of Coghill River in the deeper water (80-100 feet). Best time to target halibut is July or following the salmon runs
Distance from Whittier: 36 miles
Coordinates: 61.07043374785484, -147.92354137307188
Harriman FjordFish the edges of the submerged glacial moraine that extends across the entrance to Harriman Fjord. Fish the edges of this shelf where it drops off to deeper water on the Barry Arm side
Distance from Whittier: 33 miles
Coordinates: 61.06932339890915, -148.270100062174
Port WellsFish the humps off the mouth of Pigot Bay, the shoal at the mouth of Barry Arm, the Esther Rock area, and the entrance to College Fjord
Distance from Whittier: 17 miles
Coordinates: 60.8702827368664, -148.20412670429494
Pigot BayFish the entire bay and the three seamounts of the entrance to the bay
Distance from Whittier: 15 miles
Coordinates: 60.84224976107322, -148.3537737197293
Hinchinbrook IslandFish the north side of the island for protection from the wind
Distance from Valdez: 53 miles
Coordinates: 60.44447907254719, -146.75857245927904
Hinchinbrook EntranceFish the entrance to the Gulf of Alaska
Distance from Cordova: 43 miles
Coordinates: 60.327684223755654, -146.77859234178905
Port EtchesFish the entire bay and toward Hichinbrook Entrance
Distance from Cordova: 45 miles
Coordinates: 60.33648463905183, -146.591639973126
Montague IslandFish the far side of Montague Island bording the Gulf of Alaska
Distance from Cordova: Approx. 55 miles
Coordinates: 60.069266662955506, -147.4716489276189
Montague StraitFish the South West end of Montague Straight
Distance from Whittier: Approx 70 miles
Coordinates: 60.00085663158459, -147.74991426445158
Jack BayFish near the entrance of the bay
Distance from Valdez: 10 miles
Coordinates: 61.037418270245055, -146.64104347951914
Galena BayFish the mouth of Galena Bay, roughly 75 yards from the rocks. Concentrate along the steep drops on both sides of the entrance
Distance from Valez: 19.5 miles
Coordinates: 60.94400553121402, -146.69940837602704
Valdez NarrowsHalibut over 100 lbs caught here
Distance from Valdez Harbor: 9.5 miles
Coordinates: 61.06977037743299, -146.66963636931757
Port ValdezHalibut over 100 lbs caught here
Distance from Valdez: 3 miles
Coordinates: 61.12360544382133, -146.47785983035828
Valdez ArmHalibut over 100 lbs caught here
Distance from Valdez Harbor: 14 miles
Coordinates: 60.97407333608115, -146.81222509897648
Sawmill BayFish the humps and plateaus north of Bettles Island and along the eastern side of Latouche Passage
Distance from Valdez harbor: 16.2 miles
Coordinates: 61.05670106107523, -146.7839215090009
Bligh ReefCheck the weather forecast before fishing this area
Distance from Valdez harbor: 29 miles
Coordinates: 60.85125820726043, -146.87763974895472
Knowles HeadFish the trough west of the headland, toward Goose Island
Distance from Valdez harbor: 40 miles (via Tatitlek Narrows)
Distance from Cordova: 38 miles
Coordinates: 60.68254767765245, -146.62123773976552
Knowles BayBest for day fishing only. No where to anchor or camp
Distance from Valdez harbor: 42 miles (via Tatitlek Narrows)
Coordinates: 60.68176878586576, -146.55432288625553
Red HeadFish the rocky flats to the south
Distance from Valdez harbor: 57 miles (via Tatitlek Narrows)
Distance from Cordova: 37 miles
Coordinates: 60.67209294110268, -146.5026265397967
Port GravinaSome halibut found here
Distance from Valdez harbor: 55 miles (via Tatitlek Narrows)
Distance from Cordova: 35 miles
Coordinates: 60.690549301671616, -146.32929199047948
Squaw BayFish the plateau and the edges where it drops off to deeper water
Distance from Whitter: 20 miles
Coordinates: 60.83627189636366, -147.83103920684678
Unakwik InletFish the lower bay, towards the entrance
concentrate on the steeper drops along both sides of the inlet
Distance from Whittier: 38 miles
Coordinates: 60.901137093874326, -147.57099972024116
Glacier IslandFish along the steep drops off Iceberg Point and in Chamberlain Bay
Distance from Valdez harbor: 29 miles
Coordinates: 60.957254250373424, -147.23469980812527
Columbia BayFocus fishing toward the entrance of Columbia Bay, along Flent Point and Elf Point, at the mouth of the bay
Distance from Valdez harbor: 29 miles
Coordinates: 60.98563783391988, -147.07913703601102
Port Fidalgo InletFish near the entrance to the inlet
Distance from Valdez Harbor: 20 miles
Coordinates: 60.802108237133375, -146.47410048724367
Orca InletDistance from Cordova Harbor: 3 miles
Coordinates: 60.53070369931533, -145.84781562442362
Brian Walters is an avid angler that has been fishing since he was old enough to pick up a rod. With over 40 years of experience fishing all over the country for.... read more
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