Coeur d’Alene River features various species of fish, such as trout (brook, bull, rainbow, cutthroat, and west slope cutthroat) and kokanee salmon. In the lower reaches, you’ll find Chinook salmon. In Yellow Dog Creek, which is located upstream, you aren’t allowed to bait fish and you’re required to use barbless hooks. The north fork of the river is a favorite destination of fly-fishing anglers. A few feeder streams jaunt off remotely from the river, including TeePee Creek and Independence Creek, which are great for fly fishing for the bigger cutthroat.
North Fork Coeur d’Alene River is a quick drive east from the town of Coeur d’Alene, or an hour’s drive from Spokane. The fishing gets better the further into the wilderness you go. Much of the river is accessible by paved roads, gravel roads, or on foot, if you’re willing to hike through the woods. The fish can reach up to twenty inches; they are plentiful and strong thanks to recent conservation efforts.
Head to this river in the springtime for great fishing conditions. If the water is cold, try chucking streamers and cast them deep. You might also try a dredge. Anglers who know this river will say that where and how you cast your bug is far more important than which type of bug you use, because the cutthroats are hungry. Anything that looks ‘buggy’ usually draws a fish. Just cast in a feeding zone without any line drag and keep it still, and you’ll soon have a bite.
Trout limit for this river is six. If the trout has a red or orange slash below its jaw, they must be released. Barbless hooks are required.
Coeur d’Alene River Fish:
Coeur d’Alene River boat ramps:
The following boat ramps provide access to Coeur d’Alene River.
Boardwalk Marina Boat Ramp
100-148 N 2nd St Coeur D’Alene, ID
Cocolalla Lake Boat Ramp
800-810 S 11th St Coeur D’Alene, ID
Silver Beach Marina Boat Ramp
3898 Boothe Park Rd S Eddyville, ID 2087652115