The silver redhorse inhabit the clean, clear waters of lakes, rivers, and ponds from Canada to the southern U.S. Anglers catch them by using techniques such as bait casting, drift fishing, fly fishing, spin casting, and still fishing. These fish don’t do well in polluted waters, so they can be a good indicator of water quality.
Habitat: Lake, Pond, River
How to identify Silver Redhorse
The silver redhorse is a strong fish with a silver body and a short, white snout. It does not have teeth, and its only dorsal fin is spineless. Its dorsal fin is located in the middle of its back. These fish have pale gray/white/reddish fins that bleed easily if they fish are netted, making them appear as if they have bright red fins. These fish average about 1 ½ to 2 feet long and weigh approximately 2-5 pounds.
Where to catch Silver Redhorse
Silver redhorses can be found from Canada down to the southern U.S. Within the U.S., they aren’t found far west/east of the Great Lakes, except in Georgia and the Carolinas, where they extend to the southern coast. Silver redhorses prefer sandy bottoms of medium to large rivers and deep ponds or lakes. They tend to do best in clean, clear water.

The following are habitats where you can catch Silver Redhorse:
- Current Edges
- Dams and Falls
- Drop-offs
- Freshwater Lakes and Ponds
- Inside Turns and Coves
- Outside of Bends
- Riparian Zones
- Rivers and Streams
- Rock and Boulder Pockets
- Rocks
- Undercut Banks
How to catch Silver Redhorse
Silver redhorses don’t do well in polluted waters, which can make them hard to find. To locate them, look in the bottoms of rivers in areas with pools and riffles. They are generally found in clean, clear waters with a lot of insects. These fish can be pretty heavy, so medium tackle is recommended. An 8-pound flyrod will generally do the trick. The best methods to use when targeting these fish are bait casting, drift fishing, fly fishing, spin casting, and still fishing.
The following are effective fishing methods and techniques for catching Silver Redhorse:
Best Lures, Bait & Tackle to catch Silver Redhorse
Silver redhorses can be caught using spin or fly tackle with weighted lures or flies that are baited with dough balls or natural bait.
The following are fishing lures, bait and tackle that can be used to catch Silver Redhorse: