
Albacore is an excellent table fare and popular sport fish. The best technique for catching albacore is trolling in the deep ocean using live bait such as mackerel, herring, sardines and squid. Other fishing methods include gillnet, pole and line, and long line. Albacore can be fished year round.


Region: South, Northeast, West
Habitat: Ocean

How to identify Albacore

Like other tuna species, the albacore has a long pectoral fin. However, unlike other tuna species, the pectoral fin of the albacore extends all the way to the tail fin. The albacore’s elongated pectoral fin, which reaches a spot beyond the anal ridge, is its most characteristic feature. It’s also the easiest way to distinguish the albacore from other adult tuna and mackerel species.

Other distinguishing features of the albacore include its lack of stripes or spots on the lower body, tiny, white trailing edge on the tail fin, and striations on the liver’s ventral surface. The albacore’s body is bullet-shaped and is dark gray with a silver-white underside. The albacore has a cone-shaped nose, a large mouth, and big eyes.

Where to catch Albacore

Albacore can be found in warm, tropical seas throughout the world. In the United States, they can be found in the warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean as well as in the Pacific Ocean. Albacore typically stick to deep, temperate waters; however, as a migratory fish, they make seasonal migrations into colder waters of the northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico.

Range: South, Northeast, West
Albacore Fishing Map

Albacore can be found in warm, tropical seas throughout the world. In the United States, they can be found in the warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean as well as in the Pacific Ocean. Albacore typically stick to deep, temperate waters; however, as a migratory fish, they make seasonal migrations into colder waters of the northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico. The following are habitats where you can catch Albacore:

How to catch Albacore

The albacore is an exceptional light-tackle game fish. The most popular methods for catching albacore include trolling and bait fishing. Trolling with feather jigs, spoons and lures is an effective method for catching albacore, as is live and whole bait fishing with sardines, squid, mullet, herring, and anchovies.

The following are effective fishing methods and techniques for catching Albacore:

Best Lures, Bait & Tackle to catch Albacore

Live baits, such as herrings, smelt, mackerel, anchovies, squid, and sardines work best for catching albacore. For lures, choose cedar plugs, tuna feathers, or swimming plugs.

Bait and tackle that can be used to catch Albacore: