In the north-central part of Maryland, you’ll find great fishing at a 3,100-acre lake called Liberty Reservoir. Home to 12-pound walleye, big bass and 40-pound stripers, this is a favorite fishing location for those looking for trophy-size catches. The fishery at Liberty Reservoir manages both cold- and warm-water species, including catfish, bass, walleye, crappie, trout, perch, sunfish, and striped bass. The white perch are plentiful here with many of them growing to be about 10 inches long. If you plan on boat fishing at Liberty Reservoir, be aware that gas-powered motors aren’t permitted. However, this is a popular location for canoes, kayaks, and car-toppers. And for those who prefer shore fishing, Liberty Reservoir offers more than 80 miles of shoreline to explore. You can access much of this shoreline using one of the many entrances located around the lake. With so much great fishing to explore, you may even decide to book a campsite at one of the two nearby campgrounds.