The Apalachicola River offers a quiet, scenic place to fish. The advantage of fishing in an undeveloped area is that it gives anglers a peaceful fishing experience. Bass and numerous other species thrive in this river. There are several prime spots to fish along the lower river, close to Apalachicola Bay as well as upstream near Lake Seminole. Species you can expect to find here include largemouth bass, sunshine bass, striped bass, white bass, black bass, redear sunfish, panfish, sea trout, spotted bass, bluegill, flathead catfish, blue catfish, and shellcracker.
Flats and bridges are the best locations for trout, redfish, sheepshead, and black drum. Sharks often swim near the piling. Wade fishing with live shrimp under a popping cork works well for catching redfish, sea trout, and flounder. You can also head to the Indian Pass to fish from the surf of the outside beaches. Look for fish near areas of tidal change and between sandbars along the beach.
There is also deep-sea fishing in Apalachicola. Look for grouper and red snapper at 80 – 100 feet, about 9 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico. Chum the water with a 2/0 – 3/0 circle hook and cigar minnows to catch these species. Artificial saltwater eel on a 3oz cobia jig works well for cobia, while trolling with Rapala lures is best for catching king mackerel.
You’ll find mangrove and lane snappers, key west grunts, and black sea bass near wrecks and ledges during winter. You can catch them with small hooks and live squid as bait. A light tackle, 30lb fluorocarbon leader, and a 3/0 circle hook work well for catching these fish. You’ll also find bass and northern pike in the shallows during the winter months.
Offshore fishing for tripletail, black drum, flounder, sheepshead, trout, and other migratory species is productive in fall. Red Snapper season runs during June and July, while Gap Grouper is abundant in June and August. Tarpon is most common from mid to late summer.
Apalachicola River Fish:
Apalachicola River boat ramps:
The following boat ramps provide access to Apalachicola River.
Apalachicola River Wayside Park Boat Ramp
Lake Grove Rd iola, FL
Iola Landing Public Boat Ramp – FWC # 15 Boat Ramp
Ioloa Landing Road off State Highway 13 (G.U. Parker Road)IOLA, FL
Owl Creek Primitive Access Boat Ramp
off brickyard Rd Sumatra, FL
Estiffanul Public Boat Ramp
end of Joe Red Shuler
Neal Landing Public Boat Ramp
River St & Coastal St Blountstown, FL
Brickyard Landing Boat Ramp
End of Brickyard Landing Rd Eastpoint, FL