Red drum (aka bull red) is a popular game fish that can be found in a range of saltwater habitats, temperatures and salinity. Red drum can be caught using various baits (peeler crab, spot, shrimp) or lures (plugs, bucktails, spoons, soft plastic jigs.) Selecting the bait appropriate for the area you’re fishing is key to hooking a red drum and increasing your catch rate. Just as important is the presentation of your bait or lure.
Select the right red drum rig is essential for presenting bait in way that entices a red drum to bite. There are several fishing rigs that will catch red drum, but some work better than others. Below are some of the top angler recommended red drum rigs.

A surf fishing rig used to catch a large variety of fishing including stripers and redfish

Prevents gut hooking fish that you intend to release. Ideal for bull red fishing

Used for casting and dragging across a target area where fish may be located

Is used for catching fish near the seafloor. Keeps hooked fish away from structure

Presents two baited hooks at once doubling an angler odds of a catching a fish

Simulates surface feeding bait fish and commotion whereby attracting game fish

Designed for longer casting and keeps the bait at the bottom. Ideal for red drum