Float Paternoster Rig

When you add a sliding float to a paternoster rig, you get a float-paternoster rig. Especially great for fishing in rivers, this rig helps hold your bait in one spot when you add the correct weight. When fishing near a ledge or gulley, keeping the weight in place is important. This rig also helps give your bait natural movement and allows it to float up a bit from the bottom.

Float Paternoster Rig

You’ll want to keep your rod-tip high and make sure the main line stays taught in the section that runs between the float and rod-tip. The way this rig is designed, your main line stays out of the way of the bait, which makes it easier to tell when a fish is biting.

As soon as the fish takes a bite, you’ll see the float move either underwater or back and forth. If you are fishing on a windy day in calm waters, you’ll only want to attach the float to the bottom end so the main line stays submerged. This will help keep your bait in place when the winds are strong.