The dry fly dropper rig is a great option when fishing in creeks, small streams, and rivers that contain a lot of pocket water where trout can be found. This rig uses a dry fly that resembles the insects that are currently hatching in the area. The fly should include a bead head nymph or an emerger, which is tied onto the dry fly’s bend hook using a piece of tippet. The tippet should be cut to match the water’s depth.
There are several different methods for creating the dry fly dropper rig. The most common is to use a clinch or improved clinch knot to attach the dropper fly to the bend of the dry fly hook. The tippet is usually between 12 and 24 inches long – whichever matches the depth of the water.
Another popular method is to use the eye of the dry fly hook to attach the dropper tippet. For this option, make two clinch or improved clinch knots at the dry fly’s eye. One of the knots will attach to the leader and the other to the dropper. The problem with this method is that the dry fly will hang down alongside the dropper tippet, which may lead the hook to catch on the line.