The Offshore Swivel Knot is a very strong double-strand knot, used to connect a hook or swivel to a line. Its two strands are a form of insurance, since if one of them breaks, the other will still hold. The Offshore Swivel can be used in a double line connection with the Bimini Twist Knot. Learn how to tie the Offshore Swivel Knot following the 4 simple steps below.

Step 1: Create a loop in the double line. Pass the loop through the eye of the swivel. Make a twist in the loop.
Step 2: Fold the loop back over the swivel onto the double line.
Step 3: Hold the loop against the double line and rotate the swivel through the opening 4 to 6 times.

Step 4: Secure the swivel in one hand and pull the double lines using the other hand to tighten the knot.