The Improved Clinch Knot is a classic method for attaching a line to a lure, hook, or swivel; or in fly fishing to attach the leader to the fly. It is especially good for joining a tippet with a small diameter onto a heavy wire hook. Including an extra tuck at the end of tying will increase the Clinch Knot’s strength when it comes to a fight with a strong fish.
The Improved Clinch Knot is not recommended for lines over 30 lbs test weight, as it becomes more difficult to tie in heavier lines. Learn how to tie the Improved Clinch Knot following the 10 steps below.

Step 1: Pass the end of the line through the eye of the hook or swivel.
Step 2: Wrap the tag end of the line back toward the standing line.
Step 3: Wrap the tag end around the standing line.
Step 4: Wrap the tag end around the standing line a second time.
Step 5: Wrap the tag end around the standing line a third time.
Step 6: Wrap the tag end around the standing line a fourth time.
Step 7: Pass the tag end back through the loop next to the eye of the hook.
Step 8: Then pass the tag end through the final loop.

Step 9:Tighten the knot by pulling the tag end of the line.
Step 10:Trim the end.