Fly Fishing Knots

The following are the most common and reliable fishing knots used by fly fishermen. While many of these knots are general purpose, we’ve also included several knots that are specific for fly fishing. Knots used specifically for fly fishing include the Davy Knot and the Turle Knot. If you’re looking for a specific knot you don’t see on this page, visit our main fishing knots guide.

Albright Knot

Albright Knot

Join different types or thicknesses of fishing line.

Arbor Knot

Arbor Knot

Used to attached your fishing line to the spool center.

Clinch Knot

Clinch Knot

Attach a leader (shock line or tippet) to a double line.

Davy Knot

Davy Knot

Fast and easy knot for tying fishing line to a hook or fly.

Double Davy Knot

Double Davy Knot

Double version of the Davy Knot for additional strength.

Improved Clinch Knot

Improved Clinch Knot

Most popular knot for tying line to hook, lure or swivel.


Kreh Loop Knot

Tie fly or lure to a line with a non-slip loop.

Loop to Loop Knot

Loop to Loop Knot

Method of joining or interconnecting two loops.

Nail Knot

Nail Knot

Used to join two lines of different diameters.

Orvis Tippet Knot

Orvis Tippet Knot

Very strong and easy to tie leader to tippet knot.

Perfection Loop Knot

Perfection Loop

For creating small, yet strong, loop at the end of a line.

Slim Beauty Knot

Slim Beauty Knot

For joining lines of different diameter or material.

Surgeons Join Knot

Surgeon’s (Join) Knot

Easy knot to join two lines of moderately unequal size.

Surgeons End Loop Knot

Surgeon’s (End) Loop Knot

End of line loop used to make loop-to-loop connection.

Turle Knot

Turle Knot

Knot for attaching a fly to a tippet.

Uni Knot

Uni Knot

Knot for tying a fly with a turned up or turned down eye.